
Art is a way for kids to express their inner world. When our children paint with their fingers, markers, wax colors or model with playdough, they improve their natural skills. Art is a language that enables kids to show their feelings through creativity and imagination. Art is a way for the little ones to communicate, and has a lot of benefits.

If your child likes to draw in every corner of the house, it doesn’t mean that in the future he or she will be an artist, but if you let them express themselves with freedom, they will be whatever they want to be, because they will have the sensibility to do it. When kids do plastic expression activities, they find and discover different ways to show emotions and sensations present in our lives since we are born.

The children use all senses when they make art. Art stimulates kids to explore a combination of their capacities and try something new. It’s a way to learn with others too and achieve goals. As if it wasn’t enough, art improves the intellectual capacities of our kids and strengthens communication between parents and children from a very early age. This happens because through the drawings we can get to know our kids better, and the emotional bond grows.

Music and dance give the kids the chance to explore spaces, their bodies, sounds, social skills and to build a good self-confidence. Children’s art has lots of meanings, as many as the kids can imagine.

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